Student Leadership Awards
We are excited to recognize and reward the hard work accomplished by our students, student organizations and student organization advisors over the course of the 2023-2024 academic year.
Darrelene Rachavong Student Leadership Endowment Scholarship
The Darrelene Rachavong Student Leadership Endowment Scholarship will provide support to a graduate or undergraduate student who will be enrolled for the full 2023-2024 academic year and who demonstrates commitment, service, and leadership in student life and/or campus governance through an elected or appointment position/s.
Zainab Olaniyan
2023-2024 Community Service Award
The Community Service Award honors a student's active participation in activities that benefit their communities.
Kavya Kannan
2023-2024 Student Leader of the Year Award
The Student Leader of the Year Award recognizes the Best of Student Leadership at UT Dallas.
Rakshith Reddy Gorre
2023-2024 Rising Star Award
The Rising Star Award honors a Freshman or Sophomore student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership abilities within the UT Dallas community.
Zaina Ali
2023-2024 Advisor of the Year Award
The Advisor of the Year Award honors a registered student organization advisor who has volunteered their time and service to the student organization they serve.
Gaurav Shekhar
2023-2024 The Golden Comet Award
The Golden Comet Award honors a student organization whose activities, programs, and projects have had a significant impact on the campus community.
Crissa’s Community Outreach
2023-2024 Patty Atchley Service to Student Life
The Patty Atchley Service to Student Life Award is open to those who have demonstrated outstanding service on campus through involvement on a university committee, board, department or student organization.
Alisa Model
Student Organization Center
President of the Year Award
This award is given to the President/Primary Officer of an organization registered during 2023- 2024 that displays outstanding organization leadership and involvement.
Esha Kanna
Student Organization Center
Outstanding Program of the Year Award
This award is given to an organization registered for 2023-2024 academic year that has shown outstanding team effort in planning a program.
Chinese Student Association
Student Organization Center
"Unsung" Hero Award
This award recognizes a 2023-2024 registered student organization member who has made significant contributions to his/her organization, but not within an officially recognized leadership capacity for that student organization.
Tri Nguyen